
Testing, Work Completion and Habitability

The Testing and Work Completion Stage (Commissioning/Defects Liability/Project Control) requires the completion of the works, the verification of the quality of the project and its compliance with the objectives.

The work completion & testing stage usually includes the following activities:

  • List of faults/non-conformities
  • Definition of the settlement upon work completion
  • Monitoring of the commissioning of systems and equipment
  • Collection of as-built reports and user manuals
  • Collection of verification documentation of regular execution, quality controls on materials and processes, declarations of conformity
  • Collection and verification of warranties
  • Periodic inspections of ongoing maintenance activities
  • Final inspection and signature

The Work Completion stage ends with Habitability.

Starting from 2016, based on legislative decree 222 of 25 November 2016, the Accessibility certificate has been replaced by the certified habitability notice.

Design & Construction supervision

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ESA engineering professionals can supervise the design and construction of a building throughout all of its stages, from the concept and feasibility study to the actual construction and installation.

Our professionals are able to effectively define and coordinate all factors involved in the design.

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