Italian Legislative Decree 231/01 introduces and regulates in our legal system the liability of “entities” resulting from the commission of specific crimes set forth in the Decree itself. Companies are liable for the commission or attempted commission, in Italy or abroad, of crimes committed by persons functionally related to them and committed in the interest or to the advantage of the Companies themselves. Failure to comply with the regulations contained in the Decree may result in sanctions (pecuniary and/or prohibitory) for the entity that may also strongly affect the exercise of its activity.
ESA engineering S.r.l. has a set of rules, processes and procedures aimed at preventing crimes through the adoption of an adequate organizational system of management and control.
Since January 23, 2023, the Company has had an “Organization, Management and Control Model” required by Article 6 of Legislative Decree No. 231/01, which is inspired by the Confindustria guidelines drawn up in 2002 and most recently updated in 2021 and is constantly updated in relation to the company’s regulatory and organizational developments.
The adoption of the Model promotes rigor, transparency, and a sense of responsibility in internal and external relations while offering the best guarantees of efficient and correct management through the introduction of useful procedures to manage any risk situations.
As part of its activities, ESA has identified some reference values, general principles to which employees and those working on behalf of the Companies must adhere to ensure fairness in the conduct of business, in social activities, to protect the company’s assets and reputation and to respect the surrounding environment.