ESA is among the first Italian companies to have received the Uni PdR 125:2022 gender equality certification. The latter provides for a specific assessment based on six parameters (KPI): culture and strategy, governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, gender pay equity, protection of parenthood and work-life balance. This confirms ESA’s commitment to base its activities on supporting the values of diversity and inclusion.
ESA's commitment on Diversity & Inclusion issues.
In September 2022 ESA formally adhered to the Italian Diversity Charter.

Our organization, with a view to implementing the Charter for equal opportunities, contributes to the fight against all forms of discrimination in the workplace and values diversity in the community of reference.
Diversity is a value that must be protected and encouraged with concrete and pervasive actions in all organizational and management processes through the understanding, inclusion and enhancement of the differences of one’s people.
Diversity enriches and opens up to new ideas by multiplying the possibilities of generating innovative solutions: people from different cultures, social and generational backgrounds, skills, competences and experiences represent a distinctive value that enables comparison towards multiple perspectives and makes it possible to reflect and anticipate needs of customers and reference stakeholders.